UCI/FOUO may be distributed only after permission of the public information officer and the regional records access officer has granted and identified the recipient(s) and use of information. Mark conspicuously each part of an electronically transmitted message that contains UCI/FOUO information.

Developer's Access Agreement

The Developer’s Access Agreement sets out the terms and conditions governing access to real-time and static transportation data made available by the New York State Department of Transportation. Access to the data feed is provided solely to individuals, companies, or agencies (Data Disseminators) that agree to comply with the terms and conditions set forth here, or as may be amended from time-to-time by NYSDOT. All Data Disseminators agree to these terms and conditions by accessing the approved web connection. NYSDOT and its partner agencies reserve the right to discontinue this service at any time and reserve the right to request the immediate halt of any specific use of the data feed.

A request for access must include a brief description of a proposed Data Disseminator's intended service or product, market, or business plan when requesting data feed access. The Data Disseminator must also apprise NYSDOT of the Data Disseminator's product or service development and marketing plans, informing NYSDOT of any intermediate and/or other third-party data disseminators to whom the Data Disseminator will be providing 511NY Information in any manner. NYSDOT reserves the right, if deemed appropriate by NYSDOT, to add a link to the Data Disseminator's product or service to the 511NY web site. The Data Disseminator has an affirmative obligation to provide NYSDOT with updated information with respect to the foregoing.

NYSDOT and its partner agencies reserve the right to review requests for access to the data feed on a case by case basis. Access will be granted once acceptable use of the feed has been determined. Examples of acceptable data feed use is a company or agency that is providing 511NY information to end users or is conducting product testing in anticipation of launching a product or service that will do so.

The Data Disseminator may redistribute, enhance, repackage, or otherwise add value to the provided data. However, the integrity of the source data must be preserved and cannot be altered in any way.

The Data Disseminator is prohibited under this Agreement from using "511NY" or any combination of "511NY" (511NY logo or logos) with other words or symbols in its marketing or branding of its data dissemination product(s) or service(s), except as follows:

  1. The Data Disseminator is encouraged to acknowledge the source of the provided data with the tag line "powered by 511NY", along with the 511NY logo and a link to or
  2. The Data Disseminator may download an approved 511NY web banner and link to; or
  3. Using either the approved 511NY logo or web banner, Data Disseminator may provide a link to a sub-page on
  4. The logo may be displayed only on a web page that makes accurate references to 511NY, its products or services.

The Data Disseminator is expressly prohibited from doing the following with respect to the logo:

  1. Altering the logo in any way whatsoever, including proportions, colors, elements, etc.
  2. Using the logo as a feature or design element of any other image;
  3. Displaying the logo on any site that disparages 511 NY or its products or services, infringes any intellectual property or other rights, or violates any state, federal or international law; and
  4. Displaying the logo in any manner that implies sponsorship, endorsement, or license by 511NY or NYSDOT.

511NY, NYSDOT and its partner agencies reserve the right to terminate or modify permission to display the logo at any time or take action against any use that does not conform to these guidelines.

The Data Disseminator acknowledges and agrees that any use of "511NY" to market or brand its product(s) or services, authorized or unauthorized, will be to the benefit of and be on behalf of NYSDOT and its partner agencies. Failure to comply with this requirement is grounds for termination of access to the data feed.

NYSDOT and its partner agencies reserve the right to publicize an individual Data Disseminator's involvement with 511NY.

NYSDOT is committed to maintaining a cooperative working relationship with the Data Disseminators to maximize the benefits to the public. Reasonable efforts will be made by NYSDOT to advise a Data Disseminator in a timely fashion of both expected and unexpected changes in the operational status of the 511 NY system. Data Disseminators are encouraged to notify the 511NY Project Management Team via the contact information listed below to report suspected system operational or maintenance problems.


It is the intention of NYSDOT that 511NY will compile the provided data from the best available sources and will provide a best effort approach to the dissemination of such information.

However, the Data Disseminator is cautioned that information availability and data accuracy are all subject to change and may change as often as daily. Actual posted restrictions may be at variance with and supersede the information available from this data feed. 511NY, NYSDOT and its partner agencies make, and the Data Disseminator receives, no warranty regarding provided data, whether express or implied, and all warranties of merchantability and fitness of provided data for any particular purpose are expressly disclaimed. 511NY, NYSDOT and their partner agencies make no warranty that the information will be provided in an uninterrupted manner or that the provided data will be free of errors. Access to data is provided on an "as is" and "with all faults" basis, with the entire risk as to quality and performance with the Data Disseminator.

The Data Disseminator acknowledges and agrees to this disclaimer in its use of the data feed and will use its best efforts to provide this disclaimer with respect to distribution of the data to third parties or the public.

There is no fee associated with the 511NY Real-Time and Static Data Feed.

Contact Information for Questions or to Request Access to the Data Feed

Tim Fiato
511NY Project Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 518-417-6217

If a potential Data Disseminator is in agreement with the data feed terms of use as described here, please complete the Developers Access Request Form and send the completed form to the above email address. The request must include a brief description of the intended feed use, service or product that will integrate the feed, the intended market, benefit to the traveling public, and any similar products or services that have or will be developed.